El Libro De Shakespeare / Shakespeare’s Book

El Libro De Shakespeare / Shakespeare’s Book

  • 定價:1125
  • 運送方式:
  • 臺灣與離島
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  • 可配送點:台灣、蘭嶼、綠島、澎湖、金門、馬祖
  • 可取貨點:台灣、蘭嶼、綠島、澎湖、金門、馬祖
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El libro de Shakespeare trae las obras de William Shakespeare a la vida con fotograf as a todo color, im genes, nubes de ideas, cronolog as y citas que ayudar n al lector a comprender el contexto de las piezas y poemas de Shakespeare.

Desde las obras m s famosas de Shakespeare, como Romeo y Julieta y Julio C sar, hasta piezas menos representadas, como El rey Juan y Enrique VIII, cada obra del canon shakespeariano est recogida en esta completa gu a, junto a sus principales poemas y m s aclamados sonetos.

En El libro de Shakespeare cada obra incluye una gu a visual cronol gica de la trama para que el lector pueda situarse en caso de perderse en el lenguaje de Shakespeare. Las gu as de personajes proveen una referencia til para lectores ocasionales y un valioso recurso para estudiantes y para aquellos que van a ver las obras representadas.

Repleto de gr ficas y explicaciones de las tramas, adem s de una introducci n a la vida y la poca de Shakespeare, El libro de Shakespeare es la gu a definitiva para entender sus obras completas.

Edici n tambi n disponible en ingl s.

El libro de Shakespeare brings the work of William Shakespeare to life with full-color photography, images, idea webs, timelines, and quotes that help you understand the context n of Shakespeare's plays and poems.

From Shakespeare's most-famous plays, such as Romeo and Juliet and Julius Caesar, to less-frequently performed works such as King John and Henry VIII, every play of the Shakespearean canon is collected in this comprehensive guide, along with his major poems and best-loved sonnets.

In El libro de Shakespeare each play includes an at-a-glance guide to story chronology, so you can easily get back on track if you get lost in Shakespeare's language. Character guides provide a handy reference for casual readers and an invaluable resource for playgoers, and students writing reports on Shakespeare.

Packed with infographics and explanations of plots and including an introduction to Shakespeare's life and times, El libro de Shakespeare is the ultimate guide to understanding the work of William Shakespeare.

Also available in English edition.



DK was founded in London in 1974 and is now the world leading illustrated reference publisher and a member of the Penguin Random House division of Bertelsmann. DK publishes highly visual, photographic non-fiction for adults and children. DK produces content for consumers in over 100 countries and over 60 languages, with offices in the UK, India, US, Germany, China, Canada, Spain and Australia.

DK’s aim is to inspire, educate and entertain readers of all ages, and everything DK publishes, whether print or digital, embodies the unique DK design approach. DK brings unrivalled clarity to a wide range of topics, with a unique combination of words and pictures, put together to spectacular effect. We have a reputation for innovation in design for both print and digital products.

Our adult range spans travel, including the award-winning DK Eyewitness Travel Guides, history, science, nature, sport, gardening, cookery and parenting.

DK’s extensive children’s list showcases a fantastic store of information for children, toddlers and babies. DK covers everything from animals and the human body, to homework help and craft activities, together with an impressive list of licensing titles, including the best-selling LEGO(R) books.

DK acts as the parent company for Alpha Books, publisher of the Idiot’s Guides series and Prima Games, the world’s leading publisher of strategy content for PC and console video games.



  • ISBN:9781465460165
  • 規格:精裝 / 352頁 / 23.6 x 19.8 x 2.3 cm / 普通級
  • 出版地:美國




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