Inventing Agency: Essays on the Literary and Philosophical Production of the Modern Subject

Inventing Agency: Essays on the Literary and Philosophical Production of the Modern Subject

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Inventing Agency addresses some of the most central and pressing concerns in criticism, theory, and philosophy today. As new metaphysics of the realia of power and independently animated objects have replaced ancient conceptualizations of substance, being, and causation, the question of the "subject+?-of the capability for just such conceptual change, for acting to any effect whatsoever-has reemerged with fresh critical urgency. Writing on theories and fictions of the subject from Aristotle to Althusser and Fielding to Flaubert, the contributors to Inventing Agency explore the unprecedented productions of the subject as agent-of cognition, aesthetic experience and judgment, imagination and representation, and moral and political action-that together define the "revolution+? in reflection that Kant called "the Age of Critique.+? Informed by expertise in such interrelated fields as continental and analytic philosophy and literary history, Marxian and utopian theory, poetics and cultural criticism, moral theory and theory of sensibility, and feminist and disability studies, Inventing Agency addresses the invention of subjecthood by philosophical and literary conceptions of the specifically human capacities that continue to reveal the prospect of social-individual and historical-agency in action. This collection on the productions of the subject is vital reading for anyone engaged in thinking about where the categories of contemporary theory come from, and where they might lead next.



Claudia Brodsky is Professor of Comparative Literature at Princeton University, USA, and ancien directeur de programme of the Collège international de philosophie, Paris, France. Her previous publications include The Imposition of Form (1987), Lines of Thought (1996), In the Place of Language (2009), Why Philosophy, Intro., Ed. and Contributor, PMLA (2016), and, co-edited with Toni Morrison, Birth of a Nation’hood (1997), as well as many articles on 17th through 20th-century philosophy and literature.

Eloy LaBrada is an instructor in the Women’s and Gender Studies Department at the University of Alberta, Canada, where he specializes in the philosophy of gender and sexuality, social ontology, analytic feminism, and the history of modern philosophy and literature. His articles have appeared in PMLA (2016) and JNT (2016).



  • ISBN:9781501317149
  • 規格:精裝 / 272頁 / 22.6 x 14.5 x 2.5 cm / 普通級
  • 出版地:美國




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