Hope Reformed: Omnibus Edition

Hope Reformed: Omnibus Edition

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  • 可配送點:台灣、蘭嶼、綠島、澎湖、金門、馬祖
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Contains Books #7 and #8, The Reformer and The Tyrant, in the best selling General series

The Empire of Man has fallen and a new Dark Age is upon the stars. With planets cut off and reduced to subsistence and ignorance, humanity has nearly forgotten its past greatness. But one battle computer has survived the Collapse. He is Center. And Center is determined to find and aid leaders who can return a star-faring republic to the galaxy. The first of these leaders is Raj Whitehall, a man born to be a general, and molded to retake civilization itself from the jaws of barbarism.

The Reformer by S.M. Stirling and David Drake
On Hafardine, civilization had fallen further than most. That men came from the stars was not even a rumor of memory in Adrian Gellert's day. The Empire of Vanbret spread across the lands in a sterile splendor that could only end in another collapse, more ignominious and complete than the first. Adrian Gellert was a philosopher, a Student of the Grove. His greatest desire was a life of contemplation in the service of wisdom . . . until he touched the 'holy relic' that contained the disincarnate minds of Raj Whitehall and Center. On that day, Adrian's search for wisdom would lead him to a life of action, from the law-courts of Vanbret to the pirate cities of the Archipelago and battlefields bloodier than any in the history he'd learned. The prize was the future of humanity.

The Tyrant by Eric Flint and David Drake
On the planet Hafardine, civilization must rediscover progress or collapse. Adrian, guided by disembodied electronic mentors from space, has brought gunpowder and steam power to the Kingdom of the Isles to break the stranglehold of the Empire. But he will have to avoid being killed by the suspicious King he serves, by the barbarians he must recruit, and even by his insanely vengeful brother.

About the Raj Whitehall/General series:

" T]old with knowledge of military tactics and hardware, and vividly described action . . . devotees of military SF should enjoy themselves."--Publishers Weekly

" A] thoroughly engrossing military sf series . . . superb battle scenes, ingenious weaponry and tactics, homages to Kipling, and many other goodies. High fun."--Booklist

About David Drake:

" P]rose as cold and hard s the metal alloy of a tank ... rivals Crane and Remarque ..." -Chicago Sun-Times

"Drake couldn't write a bad action scene at gunpoint." -Booklist

The General Series
The Forge
S. M. Stirling
David Drake

The Hammer
S. M. Stirling
David Drake

The Anvil
S. M. Stirling
David Drake

The Steel
S. M. Stirling
David Drake

The Sword
S. M. Stirling
David Drake

The Chosen
S. M. Stirling
David Drake

The Reformer
S. M. Stirling
David Drake

The Tyrant
Eric Flint
David Drake

The Heretic
Tony Daniel
David Drake

The Savior
Tony Daniel
David Drake

Omnibus Editions
David Drake
S. M. Stirling
Contains The Forge and The Hammer

David Drake
S. M. Stirling
Contains The Anvil and The Steel
Hope Reborn
David Drake
S. M. Stirling
Contains The Forge and The Hammer

Hope Rearmed
David Drake
S. M. Stirling
Contains The Anvil and The Steel



The Army took David Drake from Duke Law School and sent him on a motorized tour of Viet Nam and Cambodia with the 11th Cav, the Blackhorse. He learned new skills, saw interesting sights, and met exotic people who hadn’t run fast enough to get away. Dave returned to become Chapel Hill’s Assistant Town Attorney and to try to put his life back together through fiction making sense of his Army experiences. Dave describes war from where he saw it: the loader’s hatch of a tank in Cambodia. His military experience, combined with his formal education in history and Latin, has made him one of the foremost writers of realistic action SF and fantasy. His books include the genre-defining and bestselling Hammer’s Slammers series, the RCN series including What Distant Deeps, In the Stormy Red Sky, The Way to Glory, and many more. His bestselling Hammer’s Slammers series is credited with creating the genre of modern Military SF. He often wishes he had a less interesting background. Dave lives with his family in rural North Carolina.

S.M. Stirling is a writer by trade, born in France but Canadian by origin and American by naturalization, and living in New Mexico at present. His hobbies are mostly related to the craft, with a love of history, anthropology and archaeology, and an interest in the sciences. He is the best-selling creator of the Draka and Timo of Change series. He is the coauthor, with David Drake, of five novels in the General science fiction series.

Eric Flint
is a modern master of alternate history fiction, with over three million books in print. He’s the
author/creator of the New York Times best-selling Ring of Fire series, with first entry 1632. With David Drake he has written six popular novels in the Belisarius alternate Roman history series, and with David Weber collaborated on 1633 and 1634 The Baltic War. He is also the coauthor, with Weber, of the Crown of Slaves series within Weber’s Honorverse, including latest entry, Cauldron of Ghosts. Flint was for many years a labor union activist. He lives in Chicago, Illinois.



  • ISBN:9781476736907
  • 規格:平裝 / 682頁 / 20.3 x 12.7 x 3.8 cm / 普通級
  • 出版地:美國




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