Am I Small? / Je suis petite, moi?

Am I Small? / Je suis petite, moi?

  • 定價:378
  • 運送方式:
  • 臺灣與離島
  • 海外
  • 可配送點:台灣、蘭嶼、綠島、澎湖、金門、馬祖
  • 可取貨點:台灣、蘭嶼、綠島、澎湖、金門、馬祖
  • 分享


Livre bilingue fran ais-anglais

Je suis petite, moi ? Perplexe, Tamia se met en route travers un monde fabuleux et color pour aller poser sa question. merveill e, elle y croise des collectionneurs d'arcs-en-ciel et des attrape-coeurs avant de finir par trouver une r ponse tonnante...

chos de la presse et des lecteurs

Formidablement distrayant - ForeWord Clarion Reviews

Un livre d'images tout fait charmant pour les tout-petits... qui deviennent 'm ga-grands' pour peu qu'on les regarde sous un autre angle - XTME

pour les enfants qui aiment contempler longuement les pages remplies de cr atures fantastiques et de d tails loufoques ...] racont avec des mots simples et pleins de charme et des images d bordant d'imagination. - Kirkus Reviews

Un jeu fantastique sur les diff rences de taille et la position de chacun dans la vie; magnifiquement illustr . - Boersenblatt

"This is baby's favorite book " -Amazon Customer Review from the United States

"for children who enjoy lingering over pages full of magical creatures and whimsical details ...] told in simple and engaging words and imaginative pictures."-Kirkus Reviews

"This has been my daughter's favourite book since she was 4 months old. The sentences are nice and short so she doesn't lose interest in the pictures while I'm reading each page." -Amazon Customer Review from the UK

"Muito legal esse livro. Singelo, divertido e relacionado ao universo da crian a. Bom pra desenvolver o vocabul rio. As ilustra es s o lindas. Meu filho adorou." -Amazon Customer Review from Brazil

"We are in love with this book "-Amazon Customer Review from the United States

"Written in a very simple way but with a profound message for both adults and kids."-Amazon Customer Review from the United States

"Whenever I have time to read to her, she wants this book. And she repeats words. That's insanely cute." -Amazon Customer Review from Canada

"Mia figlia di due anni e mezzo entusiasta dei disegni bellissimi e dei colori. Apprezza anche le vicende di una bimba n grande n piccola ma giusta cos ." -Amazon Customer Review from Italy

"I got this book to read with my granddaughters, one from the US and one from Portugal. It is so incredibly cute They loved it, and I did too. I highly recommend this book " -Amazon Customer Review from the U.S.

"Ce petit livre est tout ce que j'aime Le graphisme, les couleurs, tout y est magnifiquement soign , po tique et charmant ...] Une merveille de beaut et de magie ne pas louper " -Amazon Customer Review from France

"My little boy loves this as a bedtime story. It's colourful and quirky. ...] I thought it would be uninteresting to a child, to be read to in another language, but he asks for 'Bin ich klein' and it melts my heart " -Amazon Customer Review from the United Kingdom

"readers will emerge from this book feeling slightly more confident about themselves-whatever their size."-ForeWord Clarion Reviews

"This is done with simplicity at its finest. The art is whimsical, the message is clear and most of all my grandson loves it. I would recommend this book to any child provider as part of their reading library." -Amazon Customer Review from the U.S.


Available for every country in at least one official language.



  • ISBN:9781493733200
  • 規格:平裝 / 21.6 x 27.9 x 0.6 cm / 普通級
  • 出版地:美國




  • 【繪本展】不怕不怕,小勇者成長闖關!指定 2書 $428









  • 繪本展
  • 心理
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