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Nearly two decades ago, Jean-Luc Picard took command of the U.S.S. Enterprise(TM) NCC-1701-D. The captain knew it was an honor without equal. His new command bore the name of Enterprise. The people who had commanded other like-named starships had gone down in Starfleet''s annals. Some officers would be intimidated, but they would not have been given command of Enterprise.

On her first mission, the Enterprise was sent to Farpoint Station. A simple, straightforward investigation. Perfect for a crew that had never served together. Then there was Q. An omnipotent lifeform that seemed bent on placing obstacle after obstacle in the ship''s -- and in particular in Picard''s -- way. And it hadn''t ended with that first mission. When he was least expected, Q would appear. Pushing, prodding, testing. At times needling captain and crew with seemingly silly, pointless, and maddening trifles. Then it would turn all too serious, and the survival of Picard''s crew was in Q''s hands.

Why was it today that Picard was remembering the day he took command of the Enterprise-D? Now he commanded a new ship, the Enterprise-E. His crew was different. There was nothing about Gorsach that in the least resembled Farpoint. But Picard couldn''t shake the feeling that something all too familiar was going on. All too awful. All too Q.



Keith R.A. DeCandido was born and raised in New York City to a family of librarians. He has written over two dozen novels, as well as short stories, nonfiction, eBooks, and comic books, most of them in various media universes, among them Star Trek, World of Warcraft, Starcraft, Marvel Comics, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Serenity, Resident Evil, Gene Roddenberry’s Andromeda, Farscape, Xena, and Doctor Who. His original novel Dragon Precinct was published in 2004, and he’s also edited several anthologies, among them the award-nominated Imaginings and two Star Trek anthologies. Keith is also a musician, having played percussion for the bands Don’t Quit Your Day Job Players, Boogie Knights, and Randy Bandits, as well as several solo acts. In what he laughingly calls his spare time, Keith follows the New York Yankees and practices kenshikai karate. He still lives in New York City with his girlfriend and two insane cats.



  • ISBN:9781416527411
  • 規格:平裝 / 304頁 / 17.3 x 10.7 x 2.3 cm / 普通級
  • 出版地:美國




  • 【文學小說-華文創作】一部觀察微小但無所不在的「不對勁日常」圖鑑,直擊各種性別暴力下的案發現場









  • 繪本展
  • 心理
  • 聽讀展