
My Parents Are Divorced Too: A Book for Kids by Kids

My Parents Are Divorced Too: A Book for Kids by Kids

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Melanie, Annie, and Steven Ford pack lots of simple truths and "I have been through it" advice into this wise little book about their struggles and triumphs through their parents' divorce.

Now in its second edition, with more insights and humor from cartoonist Charles Beyl, this is the guide for kids with divorced parents, from some of the best teachers around--kids like themselves

From the Introduction for Kids:

This book is a project we have worked on for a long time. We wrote it because we have already gone through our parents' divorce, so we know about some of the things that may be bothering you. We know that divorce can really hurt. And we want to help.

From the Introduction for Parents:

We often talk about a "successful" marriage, but very rarely do we hear about a "successful" divorce. With over half the marriages in the United States currently ending in divorce, we, as parents, know that our children are often the ones to suffer the most at the dissolution of a marriage. My goal through my divorce and remarriage was to make the transition as painless as possible for my kids. I quickly realized there were no guidelines or rules that could ensure everyone would be happy. Although I am blessed accepting "bonus children," and my husband's ex-wife and my ex-husband are extremely supportive, we found that the adjustments after remarriage are not easy. We learned we had to create a lifestyle that worked for us. Through determination and love, we have broken through the stereotypical relationships many people think you must have in a stepfamily, to make a working blended family with hopefully health and well-adjusted children.



Jann Blackstone-Ford is a certified mediator in Northern California who specializes in divorce and stepfamily conflict resolution. She is the author of many books on divorce and parenting, including Ex-Etiquette for Parents, with Sharyl Jupe. She has been a guest expert on The Today Show, The Early Show, Good Morning America, and Oprah. In 1999, Jann founded Bonus Families, a non-profit organization dedicated to the peaceful coexistence between divorced or separated parents and their new families.

Melanie, Anee (Annie), and Steven Ford live in Northern California. Mel and Anee still have very different personalities, but they both chose to become hairstylists, and Steven is a college student pursuing a degree in Fire Science. You can write to them on, where they host a forum just for kids.

Charles Beyl creates humorous illustrations for books, magazines, and newspapers in his suburban Texas ranch house. Visit him at and follow him on Instagram: @ChuckBeyl



  • ISBN:9781591472414
  • 規格:精裝 / 71頁 / 23.4 x 17.3 x 1.3 cm / 普通級
  • 出版地:美國




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