Violence and Emancipation in Colonial Ideology

Violence and Emancipation in Colonial Ideology

  • 定價:940
  • 優惠價:9846
  • 本商品單次購買10本85折799
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  Using the insurrection by the Malayan Communist Party (1948–1960) as an example, this book argues that resorting to violence sped up the decolonisation of British Malaya, begging the question: if a late colonial state was subjective, then how did it claim a sufficiently objective mantle to rule and how did ideological techniques enable this?
  “… A major contribution to the literature.” – Prof Kerry Brown,Professor of Chinese Studies and Director of the Lau China Institute at King’s College London
  “… [an] unparalleled command of both scholarly literature and primary sources…”– Prof Björn Ahl, Professor and Chair of Chinese Legal Culture at the University of Cologne


Rohan B. E. Price
  Rohan B. E. Price is a Lecturer at the School of Law and Justice, Southern Cross University, Australia where he teaches the law of trusts to support his history writing. He leads a brash generation of historians demanding a clear line of view on Asia’s present politics. His PhD research dealt with how decolonisation and Chinese nationalism were contemplated in colonial property law. He has written celebrated titles on law and policy issues in modern China and Hong Kong. His works of history have been called “one of a kind”, an “essential reminder”, and “redrawing the map”. He has been a visiting professor in several universities in Mainland China. His works originate in the archives of London, Hong Kong, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, and Weihai. He maintains a holiday-maker’s interest in where his next book will be banned. His next book, titled On Occupation, locates the ontology developed by Heidegger in a range of late colonial contexts.


  • ISBN:9789629374495
  • 規格:平裝 / 332頁 / 15.2 x 22.9 x 1.66 cm / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:香港




  • 【人文社科】心靈工坊|2024電子書全書系書展:當世界在窗外喧囂,我們閱讀身心靈,全展85折起







  • 愛的繪本展
  • 台灣廣廈
  • 春季電腦展(止)