

Another Gaze

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  作者強調,臺灣現代詩英譯,很少有詩人動手翻譯自己的作品,詩人如此做,絕不會讓自己濫用原創者「詩的特准」(poetic licence)去重新創作。相反,作者竭力忠實於原著,甚至在英譯裡犧牲英文句法的流暢,因這仍是一本中書英譯詩集。




  原名張振翺,客籍惠陽人,香港九龍華仁英文書院中學畢業,國立政治大學西語系學士,美國楊百翰大學英文系碩士,西雅圖華盛頓大學比較文學博士。美國南加州大學(University of Southern California) 東亞系及比較文學系榮譽正教授(Professor Emeritus),台北醫學大學講座教授兼人文藝術中心資深主任,曾獲『中國時報』文學獎(敘事詩首獎)、國家文藝獎、中興文藝獎。

  張錯為台灣著名學者詩人,著作近五十餘種,詩集即達二十種。多年來由文入藝,以文化詮釋視覺藝術,著有《從大漠到中原---蒙古刀的鑑賞》(唐山出版社,2006),《雍容似汝—陶瓷、青銅、繪畫薈萃》(藝術評介,藝術家出版社,2008) ,《瓷心一片》(藝術評論,藝術家出版社,2010) ,《風格定器物》(藝術評論,藝術家出版社,2012) ,《中國風Chinoiserie—貿易風動‧千帆東來》(藝術評論,藝術家出版社,2014)。《青銅鑑容—「今昔居」青銅藏鏡鑑賞與文化研究》(中英雙語藝術評論,藝術家出版社,2015),《蓪草與畫布:19世紀外貿畫與中國畫派》 (藝術評論,藝術家出版社,2017),《遠洋外貿瓷》(藝術評論,藝術家出版社,2019)。


前言....... ....... ....... ....... ...........    5
Foreword....... ....... ....... ....... .......    7
螢火蟲之歌/Firefly Song.......    12
雪蘭莪餵猴/Feeding Monkeys in Selangor    16
馬六甲得睹滿剌加樹/Seeing an Indian Gooseberry Tree in Malacca 20
夜聞龔一先生古琴/Listening to Master Gong-I Play Lute at Night      22
秦兵馬俑/Terracotta Army    26
斷劍/A Broken Sword........    32
另一種遙望/Another Gaze    36
春望/Spring Gaze....... .......    42
春暮/Late Spring....... ....... .......    48
謁黃花崗/Homage to the Mausoleum of the 72 Martyrs    52
遙望/Looking Afar....... .......    56
梅關古道/Plum Gate, an Old Post Road    60
夜觀珠江/Night Cruise on Pearl River    64
銅鎖寄願/Wish Brass Locks    68
唐三彩載樂駝/Tang Tri-color Music Camel    72
唐三彩載樂駝之二/Tang Tri-color Music Camel 2    76
唐三彩鎮墓獸/Tang Tri-color Monster Tomb Guards    80
唐彩繪天王俑/Tang Painted Heavenly King Earthenware Figurine     84
麗人/Fair Lady....... ....... .......    88
青衣人/Man in Green....... .......    92
清宮舊藏/Manchu Imperial Palace Collections    94
蜜蠟/Ember....... ....... ....... .......    100
無刺薔薇/A Thornless Rose    102
暗夜 臭鼬走過/Skunk Passing at Night    104
午夜曇花/Midnight Cereus    106
油桐花之歌/Song of Oil Tung Flowers    108
另一場戰役/Another Battle    112
西來寺慧傳方丈春日賜齋    /A Vegetable Lunch with Abbot
Hui-chuan at Hsi Lai Temple on a Spring Day    116
秋刀魚季節/Season of Pacific Saury    120
禁忌的遊戲/Forbidden Game    124
舊金山/Gold Mountain (San Francisco)……………………..128









  今天臺灣現代詩的英譯,很少見到詩人自己動手翻譯他的作品,我如此做,當然不會讓自己濫用原創者「詩的特准」(poetic licence)去「重新創作」(re–creations)。相反,我竭力忠實於原來詩作,甚至在英譯裡犧牲英文句法的流暢,我覺得這仍是一本中書英譯詩歌,呈獻給西方讀者。

張錯 2019年夏天


  These thirty-one poems are translations of my original book of poems, Another Gaze (Taipei 2004). They were published from 2002-2004 in journals and major newspaper literary supplements in Taiwan, but many of them were written as early as the year 2000 when I taught at Hong Kong City University. Several poems came to be in 2003 when I gave a series of public lectures at Hong Kong Baptist University during SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) epidemic and had to return to Los Angeles rather hurriedly.

  During these four years, I had the opportunity to travel regularly to Malaysia, Taiwan, and Mainland China and many of these poems were written not just to commemorate certain occasions but also in response to my inner quests for emotional-intellectual balance in a de-humanized, de-moralized world.  I had served as a judge for a Malaysian Chinese newspaper’s bi-annual literature award for many years, and traveled extensively from the northern Penang region down to Johor Bahru on the southern tip of the peninsula. But Malacca and Selangor River struck me most with their cultural history and abundance of fireflies. I was born in Macau, and found myself completely immersed in a Portuguese-Dutch colonial ambience in Malacca. The canals, deep houses with stairs and inner courtyards open to the sky, alleys, and shops. Even the flora and fauna are much alike. It was in Selangor River that I travelled on a small boat in the dark of night to catch a glimpse of the blinking glow of fireflies in the mangrove. These intermittent blinking lights are optical signals for fireflies to find their potential mates. As I recall, it was quite an epiphany to realize that the human world is not much different from the world of fireflies. How inadvertent and fortunate we are to have met or loved someone among millions of people we know or don’t know? Is that coincidence or karma? Or fate that is pre-destined? Yes, life is short, but fireflies’ lives are even shorter; the average lifespan of fireflies is around two months. What is time? How long is a long life? How short is a life that is not long enough?

  I also went to Selangor Hill to feed the monkeys. They were the “old world” monkeys that originated from Asia and Africa and are thought to be quite intelligent. According to trends of primate evolution, they are the early prototypes of humans. When I saw them rushing out of the woods, I had no doubt they were a tribe, a pre-human tribe, so to speak, and I thought of many anthropological counterparts. In a world of hunger and hegemony, it is not the “fittest” who survives, but rather the “strongest” who prevails.

  Indian Gooseberry is also known as the Malacca tree though it is more likely to have originated in India. It is a tropical/subtropical fruit indigenous to the Indian subcontinent and South-east Asia. They remind me of my childhood in Macau, where Indian gooseberries were pickled and sold by street hawkers. I fell in love with them simply for their green jadeite hue more than their tastes.

  I once visited Houston’s Museum of Fine Arts and browsed some Chinese antique porcelain wares, especially the funerary tri-color earthenware figurines from the Tang dynasty. After returning to Los Angeles, I spent seven days to finish six poems on tri-color figurines. The figurines I describe in my poems may not be the same from the Houston collection, but they are the Chinese tri-color figurines commonly known to the art world.  For more than twenty years now, I have moved from the study of comparative literature to a multidisciplinary area of culture and arts, which requires simultaneous foci on art history, archaeology, history, cultural studies and literature. I also started writing poems on “things”, a major sub-genre in Chinese lyric poetry. Consequently, these six poems are not just delineations of tri-color figurines, but are used  as “personae” to bring out their central and South Asian significance (camels, musicians, musical instruments), Buddhist influence (Heavenly Kings, monster tomb guards) and Tang culture (Ferghana horses, horseman, ladies in boudoir).

  In the translation of modern Chinese poetry, it is rather rare for a poet himself to serve as a translator of his own works. In doing so, I am quite aware not to let myself fall into the trap of abusing my poetic license and fashion “re-creations” as an original creator. On the contrary, I have been quite faithful to my original poems, even to the point of sacrificing English syntactical fluency. I still feel they are Chinese poems translated and presented to an English reading audience.  

Dominic Cheung (Chang Ts’o), Summer 2019


  • ISBN:9789574458448
  • 叢書系列:書林譯詩
  • 規格:平裝 / 136頁 / 15 x 21 x 1 cm / 普通級 / 全彩印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:台灣
  • 語文:中英對照




  • 【OKAPI世界閱讀日|植感閱讀】讓植物告訴你,你現在是什麼狀態,需要閱讀什麼?







  • 聯經_領券折百
  • 世界閱讀日(書評)
  • 簡報溝通說話展